Pure Health Foods

About Us

Kim and Sean have been involved with the raw food and supplement nutrition community for a combined total of 25 years! Studying herbs, healthy food choices, and whole food vitamins has been a passion of theirs and they have led their lives accordingly, adopting a healthy diet and choosing good supplementation to help them on their paths to pure health. Opening a store was the logical next step, allowing them to help people with what they have learned and to be able to offer what they believe are the best supplements available. They are always studying and searching for the latest scientific discoveries and high quality supplements that allow them to help people make the best choices for optimal nutrition. Along with their commitment to self healing they are also dedicated to protecting and nurturing the planet. They strive to make the best choices to help keep our world clean, and will make these choices available for their customers by offering environmentally safe cleaning products, clothes, and companies that are dedicated to offering planet safe products.

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Our Story

“We started a few years ago...” Here you let your customers get to know you. Tell them a little bit about yourself and why you created this business. Do you have a passion, hobby or life experience that inspired you to get started? Do you have special skills or training that make you an expert in your field? Show your customers that there are real people with interesting stories working behind the scenes. Helping customers feel connected to you and your purpose will inspire more trust in your brand.

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Use this section to tell about the payment methods you offer. Do you accept credit cards? Maybe it is possible to pay by cash upon delivery? Let your customers know how they can pay and choose just the right option for them. Ensure customers that their personal details are secure and the payment processing is safe and reliable. You can add a list of commonly asked questions about payments to save the time of your site’s visitors and give them the confidence to make a purchase.

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Contact Us

Our address:
7575 W. Washington Ave #129 Las Vegas, NV 89128
Open hours:
MON-SAT 9AM-7PM Closed Sunday